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About Us

We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in .Malaysia politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major Malaysian political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. Our goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding.


The risk management process is a framework for the actions that need to be taken when our complainant faces a case of fraud related to investment or loan cases. We help negotiate with the relevant parties in an effort to recover the losses suffered by the case complainant.


We also provide advice for case complainants who are faced with bussines issues or anything major problems. Advice and guidance to Complainants while also providing free legal advice services.



We also open a Legal Advice Clinic every Saturday from 10.00 am - 2.00 pm.

About Us

Justice - Peace - Humanity

We are made up of individuals with experience in social activism. Our activists operate in community centers every day to help Complainants who face any issues and problems.

Why Choose Us?

Nam sed est et nunc ullamcorper commodo vitae in risus. Suspendisse ac est eget mi fringilla accumsan.

Pro Tips for IT Solution

Nam sed est et nunc ullamcorper commodo vitae in risus. Suspendisse ac est eget mi fringilla accumsan.


Saya melihat ramai orang baik kelihatan jahat kerana kegagalan sistem. Seorang ibu mencuri susu kerana anaknya kelaparan kelihatan jahat apabila dihukum penjara. Penguatkuasa jujur dan melaporkan salah laku pihak atasan
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Anak lelaki bermain api dekat timbunan sampah lalu melecur pada badan.

Anak lelaki bermain api dekat timbunan sampah lalu melecur pada badan. Disebabkan ibu bapa tak bawa anak untuk menerima rawatan di hospital dan membiarkan kesan melecur itu sembuh sendiri. Ibu
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